About us

Ko wai mātou

Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa - Organisational Profile

Tirohanga whānui: Vision

Ko ngā whanau o Te Rarawa, kei te tūkaha ki tō rātou tuākiri tangata, kei te piri pūmau ki tō rātou marae, kei te mau tonu te manawa ki ngā mahi āwhina. Te Rarawa whānau strong in their identity, active with their marae, and making a contribution.

Ngā Putake: Mission

Ko Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa te kaiarataki kia arahi nga hapu-a-iwi ki te kaiwhakamanawa i to mātou mana whenua, mana tangata, me nga rangatiratanga i raro i te whakatoputanga o Te Rarawa whanui, whanau, hapu, iwi.  The Mission of Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa is to provide the means for hapu/marae to develop their resources within each rohe to enhance the wellbeing of Te Rarawa.


The Runanga meets every month on the third Wednesday in Kaitaia holding AGM and hui a iwi at a marae within the rohe.

The powers of the Runanga are set out in general terms in the constitution. The role of the Runanga is to:

  • bring together the collective voice of the marae of Te Rarawa
  • provide leadership for marae and voice the concerns of the marae to Crown and local government agencies
  • put in place broad tribal policy
  • approve a long-term strategy that will drive annual operating priorities
  • monitor operational outputs and long term outcomes
  • communicate with marae
  • provide a regular forum for grass roots concerns of the iwi to be heard
  • ensure that the tikanga and kaupapa of Te Rarawa are upheld at all times
  • appoint officer holders
  • delegate appropriate matters to the Chief Executive Officer 


Te Runanga Board



Annual Reports