Joanne Murray
E papaki kau ana te tai o Whangape ki raro iho i te maunga tapu o Whakakoro - tū tonu, tū tonu, te Maunga Moana.
Ka titiro atu ra ki te awa tapu o Awaroa, rere ki uta, rere ki tai!
Ka huri au ki te marae o Te Kotahitanga, te whare i whakaruruhau i a mātou, te hapu o Ngati Haua - tū tonu, tū tonu te whare tupuna.
Ka titiro atu au ki te maunga tapu o Rangiputa - tū tonu, tū tonu te Maunga Whenua
Ki raro iho nei, e tū ana te Papakainga o Torikiriki - te kainga pūmau o mātou ngā Whānau Murray ki Whangape.
He uri tēnei o Tarutaru rāua ko Te Ruapounamu: Te Rarawa Kaiwhare
He uri anō tēnei o Hineamaru: Ngati Hine
The fifth child and eldest daughter of Te Ruki Murray, (known as Jerry from Ngati Haua, Whangape) & Hurike (known as Julie or Sullianne to her Hart & Hoterene whānau from Te Orewai, Pipiwai)
Has worked in the education sector for over 24 years, including with Kohanga Reo (ECE), Kura Teina (Jnr School), Wharekura (Secondary) as a Kaiako (Teacher), Tumuaki (Principal) & MoE contractor & facilitator.
Jo is currently, self-employed as an Independent Education Contractor now involved with regional and national kaupapa Māori Taiao (environmental) & Pūtaiao (Science) focused support, training & resource development with Te Aho Tū Roa & Toimata Foundation. She continues to work a in seamless education ‘from the cradle to the grave’ relationships and partnerships with kohanga, kura, wharekura, rangatahi, kaiako, kaumatua / kuia, iwi, hāpu, marae and many other learning communities – focused on “connecting people to people and people to place”.