Ideal Person Specification for Marae Delegate
(as required under clause 3.7 of Te Runanga o Te Rarawa PSGE Constitution)
Role of the Marae Delegate:
The marae delegate’s role is to represent the hapu marae at the Runanga and to act as a conduit for information between the hapu marae community and the Iwi organisation. The marae delegates are trustees of Te Runanga o Te Rarawa and are collectively responsible for its governance.
Essential Requirements:
The Runanga is built on a foundation of marae representation. The marae delegate has an integral role in the Iwi structure. It is essential that the delegate:
- Resides at home or in close proximity to their marae and has shown to be actively involved with their marae in the 12 months prior to the election.
- Reports back regularly to their hapū marae and attends marae meetings.
- Attends regular Runanga meetings and hui during the working week.
- An 80% attendance at all meetings is expected during a delegate’s term.
- That nominated candidates may be required to attend a nomination hui at their marae
- Does not have any conflicts of interest that prevent them from carrying out their role
- Is of sound mind, not bankrupt, or has not been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty, serious violence, or a sexual crime
- Undertake Police Vetting that aligns with the Vulnerable Children’s Act requirements
- Must become familiar with the terms of the Runanga Constitution and act in accordance with the terms of the Constitution
- Knowledge and experience of the obligations of a trustee and the underlying principles of trusteeship
- Able to understand and interpret financial reports
Desired skills and attributes:
- Have an understanding of Māori values and knowledge including the history, traditions and stories on which they are based.
- Have knowledge of Te Reo Māori
- Is able to lead the organisation in its understanding of and respect for Tikanga
- Has ability to inspire the organisation to apply Māori concepts and frameworks to their decision making
- Encourages group decision-making and sense of shared purpose
- Able to create a compelling vision for the organisation and inspire others to support that vision.
- The ability to take a proactive approach to problem resolution and to demonstrate an ability to handle risk and uncertainty.
- A strong grasp of key trends and issues facing the organisation and the ability to develop long range strategies and plans