

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana

The Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana was established in 2009 as an initiative by tangata whenua to ensure the sustainable use and protection of the kaimoana/seafood for both present and future generations.

The Komiti includes representation from local marae and community with Pātau Tepania as Chairman. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in protecting the kaimoana or providing support in other environmental work the Komiti gets involved with.

Kia āhei o a tātou tamariki o āpopo ki te rahi o ngā kaimoana o enei rā; ā, kia nui tonu ake ki ngā tini o Tangaroa i te wā o ngā mātua tūpuna.

Let our children see tomorrow the kaimoana that we see today, and more, as our fathers saw more yesterday than we do today.

Meeting Minutes

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana October 2017

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana September 2017

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana August 2017

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana April 2017

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana March 2017

Ahipara Komiti Takutaimoana February 2017